
About Author Robin Olsson and the Purpose of NFT Whim

Hello and welcome to NFT Whim!

My name is Robin Olsson and on this site I’ll share everything I’ve learned about Non-Fungible Tokens, or NFTs.

I’m a Scandinavian living in London, and I have had an interest in cryptocurrencies for a few years. However, it was not until 2021 that I got my first NFT. I remember buying my first NFT at Opensea, and even though I had a rather profound background in crypto, I still found the process somewhat complex and I remember being afraid I would loose the token due to making some stupid mistake in the process. Scammers were everywhere(!), so there was a lot to keep track of just trying to not buy a fake NFT, or being tricked out of the one you bought.

Anyway, I found the this whole concept of NFTs so intriguing. Firstly, the fact that NFTs were even more of a “wild west” than crypto really appealed to me: The (high-risk-high-reward) potential gain aspects of this whole thing was of course mind-boggling. Also, I found the whole concept of integrating art, tech, virtual realities and creativity into the crypto and blockchain space really appealing. The possibilities seemed endless!

I remember creating and minting a few of my own, personal NFTs on Opensea in 2021. They are still out there, and none have been purchased (yet!). However, it’s a satisfying feeling to know that I have my own little, personal art gallery online, and that this gallery will always be there.

As NFTs are still a rather new concept that may people are curious about, I thought it would be a good idea to share all the things I learned along the way since I first got into NFTs. I made a lot of mistakes in the beginning, including almost buying a fake NFT at one point. Thus, I hope that me sharing my experiences and the things I’ve learned here, will help others get a smoother on-boarding journey.

Another thing about me is that I have a background in research (a PhD and some other academic credentials). My research topic is not relevant to NFTs at all, but this means I’m used to reading, reviewing and critically evaluating large chunks of text and information. Thus, I’m probably better than most at finding, summarizing and reviewing various sources of information related to any topic. This means the information presented here will be well-researched, critically assessed and objective in a more profound way than is typically achievable for a website with writers lacking a research background.

With all that said however, I hope you will enjoy this website, and I hope it will help spreading the message about Non-Fungible Tokens and their intriguing potentials!


Robin Olsson, NFT Whim

Contact: NFTwhim@gmail.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/NFTwhim

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robin-olsson-49683327a/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@NFTwhim

Informational Purpose

This website is for informational purposes only.


This website is for informational purposes only, and should not be considered financial advice.