Creating and Selling Mixed Media NFTs: A Newbie’s Guide

Hello and welcome to this guide on mixed media NFTs! In this post, we’ll explore what mixed media NFTs are, provide examples, and give tips on how to create, market and sell mixed media NFTs. Combining different types of media adds a new dimension to the art work, and it’s exciting to see how mixed media NFTs are gaining popularity in the NFT world!

To get started with Mixed Media NFTs as a creator, you should first define your vision and choose your media types. You can then use software tools to create and edit your media, and upload it to an NFT marketplace to be minted. It’s important to consider the technical challenges of creating and uploading mixed media NFTs, as well as market volatility and uncertainty.

So let’s dive in and explore the details of mixed media NFT creation!

By the way, read here for the ultimate NFT artist guide.

What are mixed media NFTs?

Mixed media NFTs are a type of non-fungible token that combines two or more different types of media to create a unique piece of art. This can include a wide range of media, such as painting, drawing, photography, digital art, animation, music, and video.

One of the key benefits of mixed media NFTs is that they can offer a more engaging experience for the viewer. By combining different media, artists can create a multi-sensory experience that goes beyond what traditional art can offer.

Image: Mixed Media NFTs listed at NiftyGateway. Image credit: NiftyGateway’s listing page.

Examples of mixed media NFTs

There are countless ways to create mixed media NFTs, and artists are only limited by their imagination. Here are a few examples of mixed media NFTs that showcase the versatility of this medium:

Art NFTs that combine traditional and digital media

One popular approach to mixed media NFTs is to combine traditional and digital media. For example, an artist could create a mixed media NFT by painting a canvas, scanning the painting, and then overlaying digital elements to create a layered, textured effect. The final result could be an animated digital artwork that showcases the best of both worlds.

Music NFTs that incorporate visual elements or mixed-genre collaborations

Another approach is to create NFTs that combine music with visual elements, such as animated music videos or album art that moves and interacts with the music. These mixed media NFTs can be particularly compelling when they involve collaborations between musicians and visual artists from different backgrounds and genres.

Video NFTs that combine animation, live-action, and sound design

Finally, mixed media NFTs can also involve combining different types of video, such as animation, live-action footage, and sound design. For example, an artist could create a mixed media NFT by animating a series of drawings, adding sound effects, and then overlaying live-action footage to create a surreal, dream-like experience.

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Image: Mixed Media NFTs listed at SuperRare. Image: SuperRare’s listing page.

How to create mixed media NFTs

Now that we’ve explored what mixed media NFTs are and provided some examples, let’s dive into how to create mixed media NFTs.

Planning the concept and combining different media

The first step in creating a mixed media NFT is to plan out your concept and decide which types of media you want to combine. This will involve brainstorming ideas, sketching out rough drafts, and experimenting with different combinations of media.

When combining different types of media, it’s important to think about how they will work together to create a cohesive, engaging experience. For example, if you’re creating a mixed media NFT that combines music and animation, you’ll need to consider how the visuals will complement the music and enhance the overall experience.

Image: Listing page for ControlNet Genesis, a notable Mixed Media NFT Collection at Opensea. Image: Opensea’s listing page.

Tools and software for creating mixed media NFTs

Once you have your concept and media selected, you’ll need to decide which tools and software to use to create your mixed media NFT. This will depend on the types of media you’re working with and your personal preferences.

For example, if you’re combining traditional and digital media, you might use a scanner to digitize your traditional artwork, and then use software like Adobe Photoshop or Procreate to add digital elements. If you’re working with music, you’ll need a digital audio workstation (DAW) like Ableton Live or Logic Pro to create and mix your music, along with software like Adobe After Effects or Blender to add visual elements.

The key is to experiment with different tools and find the ones that work best for your particular project. Don’t be afraid to try new things and explore different techniques!

Uploading and minting mixed media NFTs

Once you’ve created your mixed media NFT, you’ll need to upload it to a platform that supports NFTs and mint it. There are many different NFT marketplaces and platforms available, each with their own pros and cons.

Some popular platforms include OpenSea, Rarible, SuperRare, and Nifty Gateway. These platforms allow you to upload your NFT, set a price, and then sell it to collectors who are interested in your work. NiftyGateway has a specialized section for only Mixed Media NFTs, where you can showcase your work.

When minting your NFT, it’s important to include a detailed description of your piece, including information about the media you used and any special techniques or processes you used to create it. This will help collectors understand and appreciate the unique value of your mixed media NFT.

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Image: Popular Mixed Media NFTs at NiftyGateway. Image credit: NiftyGateway’s listing page.

Marketing and selling mixed media NFTs

Once you’ve minted your mixed media NFT, the next step is to market and sell it to collectors. Here are some tips on how to do this effectively:

Building a portfolio and promoting your work

To build a successful career as a mixed media NFT artist, it’s important to build a strong portfolio and promote your work. This can involve creating a website or social media presence to showcase your work, as well as networking with other artists and collectors in the NFT community.

One effective way to build your portfolio and get exposure for your work is to participate in NFT auctions and exhibitions. These events can help you reach a wider audience and build your reputation as a skilled and innovative mixed media NFT artist.

Pricing your mixed media NFTs

When pricing your mixed media NFTs, it’s important to take into account the unique value that your piece offers. Mixed media NFTs are often more complex and time-consuming to create than traditional art, so it’s reasonable to charge a premium for them.

However, it’s also important to be realistic about the market demand for your work. If you’re just starting out as a mixed media NFT artist, it might make sense to price your work more affordably to attract collectors and build your reputation. After all, there is no “right” price for a piece of art. In the end, it’s only decided by what the buyers are willing to pay.

Finding marketplaces and collectors for mixed media NFTs

Finally, it’s important to find the right marketplaces and collectors for your mixed media NFTs. As mentioned earlier, there are many different NFT platforms available, each with their own strengths and weaknesses.

It’s important to do your research and find the platforms that are most likely to attract collectors who are interested in mixed media NFTs. This might involve participating in online communities and forums, reaching out to collectors directly, or partnering with other artists and curators to showcase your work.

Image: The Framacy Fantoms, a fun-loving NFT collection at Opensea that incorporates mixed media. Image: Opensea, listing-page.

Challenges and considerations for mixed media NFTs

While mixed media NFTs offer exciting new opportunities for artistic expression and creativity, they also come with unique challenges and considerations. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Intellectual property issues with using multiple sources of media

When creating mixed media NFTs, it’s important to be aware of any intellectual property issues that might arise from using multiple sources of media. For example, if you’re using copyrighted music in your mixed media NFT, you’ll need to obtain the proper licenses or risk infringing on someone else’s rights.

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It’s important to do your due diligence and ensure that you have the right to use all the media elements in your mixed media NFT before you upload and mint it. This can involve researching copyright laws and obtaining licenses or permission from the original creators.

Technical challenges with creating and uploading mixed media NFTs

Creating and uploading mixed media NFTs can also come with technical challenges. For example, different media formats may require different specifications or settings to ensure optimal playback and display.

It’s important to do your research and make sure that your mixed media NFT meets the technical requirements of the platform you’re uploading it to. This can involve testing your NFT on different devices and platforms to ensure that it looks and sounds the way you intended.

Market volatility and uncertainty in the NFT space

Finally, it’s worth noting that the NFT market is still relatively new and rapidly evolving. This means that there is a lot of uncertainty and volatility when it comes to pricing and selling mixed media NFTs.

As a mixed media NFT artist, it’s important to stay informed about market trends and keep an eye on the demand for your work. It’s also important to be flexible and open to experimenting with new approaches to marketing and selling your NFTs as the market evolves.


Mixed media NFTs offer exciting new opportunities for artists to experiment with different forms of media and create unique, immersive works of art. By combining elements of music, video, animation, and other media, mixed media NFTs can engage viewers in new and unexpected ways.

If you’re interested in exploring the world of mixed media NFTs, there are many tools and resources available to help you get started. From software and hardware tools to online communities and marketplaces, the NFT space is a vibrant and welcoming community of artists and collectors who are eager to discover new talent and innovative works of art.

With a little bit of creativity and experimentation, you can create stunning mixed media NFTs that capture the imagination of collectors and art lovers around the world. So why not give it a try and see where your creativity takes you?


Featured image: Listing page for the ControlNet Genesis collection at the Opensea marketplace. Image: Opensea’s listing page.

Author: Robin Olsson

Author Bio: I’m Robin and on this website, I share everything I’ve learned since getting into NFTs in 2021. I have a background in research and I’ve been in crypto for several years. You can read more about me here.

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