Do you need coding skills for creating and selling NFTs?

You might have heard about NFTs and are curious about creating and selling them, but wonder if you need to have programming skills. In this post, we will explore the question of whether or not you need to know how to code to create NFTs.

You do not need to know code to create and sell a simple NFT collection. To create the collection, you can choose to use an NFT collection Generator that you can find online. Typically, you can also mint your collection via the generator. Another option is to mint the NFT at a popular marketplace, such as Opensea, and list it for sale there right away. Neither of these options require coding skills.

What are NFTs?

First, let’s briefly explain what NFTs are. NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, are a type of digital asset that represent ownership of unique items. They are often used to represent digital art, music, videos, or other types of content.

NFTs are unique because they are stored on a blockchain, which is a decentralized digital ledger that makes it impossible to modify or duplicate the asset. This makes them ideal for collectibles, as they cannot be replicated and can be bought and sold just like physical assets.

How are NFTs Created?

To create an NFT, you need to firstly create a piece of art, or a whole collection of art (or other entity, such as music, game etc).

By the way, read this article to learn about the full set of skills and talents needed for an NFT artist to become successful.

Secondly, you need to mint the NFT-collection on blockchain. This process involves creating a smart contract, which is a self-executing contract with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller written directly into code. The smart contract is deployed on a blockchain network, where it can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection.

So, before minting your NFT, you need to have an actual artwork (or other entity). Ideally, you want to have a whole collection. This collection typically consists of different variations of an original artwork, or idea.

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So, how do you then create a whole NFT-collection of variants of your original art-idea?

To do this, the most straightforward option is use an NFT generator, to produce the different variants of your original art-work. Let me explain this, and whether you need coding skills for it, in more detail in the next section.

Do You Need Coding Skills to Generate an NFT Art Collection?

No, you do not need coding skills to generate a basic NFT collection. There are several NFT Generators available online, where you can “generate” your NFT-collection. These allow you to create custom NFTs without any coding knowledge. Some popular NFT generators include NiftyKit and NFT Art Generator.

NiftyKit claims it can generate not only Art NFT collections for you with no coding skills, but also more advanced collections such as gaming and music. However, if you don’t have any basic knowledge of IT and coding, it could be a good idea to start with a “simple” art collection.

To use an NFT generator, you’ll typically need to choose a template or design, upload your digital asset, and customize the details. Then, the generator will create the NFT collection for you. The mentioned generators, NiftyKit and NFT Art Generator also mints the whole collection for you, so you can do everything in one go!

Do You Need Coding Skills to Mint NFTs?

The short answer is no, you do not need to know how to code to mint NFTs. (When you “mint” the NFT, you basically upload a file that gets assigned a traceable Blockchain address.)

Apart form the NFT generator platforms, which do all the work in one go, there are a number of NFT market platforms that allow you to mint NFTs without any coding experience.

These platforms often provide templates and easy-to-use interfaces that make the process of minting NFTs simple and straightforward. They also allow you to add descriptive details and statistics about your NFT-collection. Some popular platforms for creating NFTs include:

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After mint, you can list the the NFT-collection for sale directly at the marketplace. This is a great advantage, because these mentioned marketplaces have a very big costumer base of potential buyers.

Advanced NFT Creation and Coding Skills

While it’s not necessary to have coding skills to create basic NFTs, it can be helpful if you want to create more advanced NFTs with custom functionality. If you have coding experience, you can create your own smart contracts and deploy them on a blockchain network.

This opens up a world of possibilities for NFT creation, allowing you to create NFTs with custom functionality, such as interactive games or digital experiences. However, creating custom NFTs with advanced gaming features or similar requires a higher level of technical expertise, and it can be more time-consuming and complex.

If you do not have coding skills, but still want to create a complex, more advanced NFT, you could go for the option of hiring a developer. Let me explain this in more detail in the next section.

Hiring a Developer

So, if you have a specific idea for an NFT and want it to be custom-built, you can hire a developer to create it for you. While this option may be more expensive than using a marketplace or generator, it allows you to create a unique and one-of-a-kind NFT. This may also allow for more advanced functionalities of the NFT, depending on the skills of the developer.

To hire a developer, you’ll need to find someone with the necessary skills and experience. You can search online for NFT developers or post a job on a freelance platform like Upwork or Fiverr. When working with a developer, make sure to communicate your ideas clearly and establish a budget and timeline upfront.

Additional tips

If you have an idea for an NFT collection but lack the coding skills, or the artistic skills to create it, consider collaborating with developers, artists and designers who can help you bring your vision to life. There are many talented people in the NFT space who are looking to collaborate.

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Another great tip is to try to attend NFT events. NFT communities can be a great way to network and connect with other NFT enthusiasts. By attending these events, you can meet artists, collectors, and developers who can help you learn more about the NFT space and offer tips and guidance for creating your own NFT collection.

Finally, the best way to create an NFT collection (with or) without coding skills is to research, learn and experiment. There are many resources available online that can help you learn more about NFTs and the NFT market. By experimenting with different tools and platforms, you can find what works best for you and create a unique NFT collection that reflects your personal interests and passions.

Key Takeaways

In conclusion, while coding skills can certainly be an advantage when creating NFTs, they are not necessary. By using existing platforms, leveraging templates and tools, collaborating with talented people, attending NFT events and communities, and researching, learning and experimenting, you can create a unique NFT collection that reflects your personal interests and passions without any coding knowledge. Whether you are a an artist, collector or simply an enthusiast, the NFT space offers a world of opportunities and possibilities for everyone!

Good luck, and happy creating!


Author: Robin Olsson

Author Bio: I’m Robin and on this website, I share everything I’ve learned since getting into NFTs in 2021. I have a background in research and I’ve been in crypto for several years. You can read more about me here.

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