The Secret to NFT Visibility: Add Utility to Your Collection

As the NFT market continues to grow, it’s becoming increasingly important for NFT creators to find ways to make their collections stand out. One way to do this is by adding utility to your NFTs. By giving your NFTs a function or purpose beyond just being a piece of digital art, you can increase their value and visibility. In this post, we’ll explore some ways to use utility to boost your NFT collection’s visibility.

To use utility to increase visibility for your NFT collection, consider adding features like access to exclusive content, membership in a community, virtual or physical goods, functionality, and donations to charity. By doing so, you increase the value and desirability of your NFTs, as well as build loyalty among collectors. This can lead to increased visibility as collectors share and promote your NFTs within their networks.

Image: CryptoKitties, the first ever project to offer Utility with its NFT Collection. Image credit: Opensea.

Ok, let’s get started! But before we get into the important parts, let me just briefly explain what Utility is in the context of NFTs. Then, we’ll get into the meat of the matter or how you can add utility to your collection to get noticed by potential buyers.

What is Utility in the Context of NFTs?

Utility refers to the practical use or value of an NFT beyond its aesthetic appeal. In other words, it’s what the NFT can do or provide beyond just being a pretty picture. For example, an NFT might give the owner access to exclusive content, membership in a community, or even physical goods.

Adding utility to an NFT can increase its value and desirability. Collectors are more likely to buy an NFT that has a practical use or provides some sort of benefit beyond just being a piece of art.

Ways to Add Utility to Your NFT Collection

Access to Exclusive Content and Membership in a Community

By offering access to exclusive content, you are creating a sense of exclusivity and community around your NFT collection. This can increase the perceived value of your NFTs and make them more desirable to collectors.

For example, you could create a private Discord server or Telegram group exclusively for NFT holders in your collection. This allows you to connect with your collectors on a more personal level and offer them exclusive insights into your creative process or behind-the-scenes content.

You could also create a members-only website where you offer additional content or services, such as tutorials or personalized artwork. This can be a great way to add value to your NFTs and create a loyal community around your collection.

In addition, offering access to exclusive events or experiences can also be a powerful way to add utility to your NFTs. For example, you could offer NFT holders exclusive tickets to a virtual art show or concert, or even a real-world meet-and-greet with the artist.

Membership in a community is another great way to increase the utility of your NFT collection. By creating a community around your NFTs, you can foster a sense of belonging among your collectors and create a space for them to connect with each other. This can be done through various means, such as creating a Discord server, a Telegram group, or an in-game community.

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When creating a community, it’s important to make it engaging and valuable for your members. This means providing them with exclusive content, such as sneak peeks of upcoming releases or behind-the-scenes looks at your creative process. You can also offer them the opportunity to connect with you and other members of the community, whether it be through Q&A sessions or AMAs (Ask Me Anything).

Virtual or Physical Goods

Virtual or physical goods can add a lot of value to your NFT collection. Virtual goods can include items such as exclusive in-game items, digital art, or even access to events or experiences that are only available to NFT holders. Physical goods, on the other hand, could be anything from a limited edition piece of merchandise to a real-world experience like a meet-and-greet or a VIP event.

To add utility to your NFT collection with virtual or physical goods, you need to make sure that the items you offer are exclusive and valuable. For example, if you’re offering access to an exclusive in-game item, make sure it’s something that can’t be obtained any other way. This will give collectors a real incentive to purchase your NFT and will help to increase the perceived value of your collection.

When it comes to physical goods, you’ll need to make sure that you’re offering something that collectors will really want. Limited edition merchandise can be a great option, as it creates scarcity and exclusivity. Alternatively, you could offer a real-world experience that’s only available to NFT holders, like a backstage tour or a private event. The key is to make sure that the physical goods you offer are aligned with the theme of your collection and that they’re high-quality and desirable.


Adding functionality to your NFTs is a great way to increase their value and make them more desirable to collectors. By giving them a specific purpose beyond being a digital collectible, you can create a sense of utility and usefulness that will attract more buyers.

For example, you could create an NFT that gives the owner access to a special feature in a game, such as a unique character skin or a special item. Alternatively, you could create an NFT that gives the owner voting rights in a community, allowing them to participate in decision-making processes or propose new ideas.

You could also consider creating NFTs that serve as a ticket or pass to an event or experience. This could be a virtual event such as a concert or art exhibition, or a physical event such as a meet-and-greet or exclusive party. By giving collectors the ability to access these experiences through owning an NFT, you can create a strong sense of value and exclusivity.

Additionally, you could create NFTs that offer some sort of in-game utility, such as a token that can be used to buy items or access exclusive areas. This can create a strong incentive for players to purchase your NFTs, as they will be able to use them to enhance their gaming experience.

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Overall, adding functionality to your NFTs can be a great way to increase their value and create a sense of utility that will attract more buyers. By giving your NFTs a specific purpose beyond being a digital collectible, you can create a more diverse and appealing collection.

Image: Bored Ape Yacht Club, a powerful example of utilizing Utility to create buzz around an NFT collection. Image Credit: Opensea.

Donation to a Charity

Adding a charitable aspect to your NFT collection is a great way to increase utility and attract socially conscious collectors. You can choose to donate a percentage of the sale price of each NFT or create a special edition NFT where all proceeds are donated to a charity.

When choosing a charity to support, it’s important to do your research and make sure it aligns with your values and the values of your community. You can also involve your community in the decision-making process by allowing them to vote on which charity to support. This creates a sense of involvement and shared purpose, which can be very attractive to collectors.

In addition to adding utility and attracting collectors, donating a portion of your NFT sales to charity can also help to improve your reputation within the wider community. By demonstrating a commitment to social responsibility and giving back, you can build trust and loyalty with your audience. This can be particularly important in the fast-moving and often speculative world of NFTs, where trust and reputation can be critical to success.

Overall, adding a charitable aspect to your NFT collection is a win-win situation. Not only do you increase the utility and attractiveness of your NFTs, but you also make a positive impact on the world around you.

Benefits of Adding Utility to Your NFT Collection

Increased Value

Adding utility to your NFTs can have a significant impact on their value and desirability. By providing a practical use or benefit beyond just being a piece of art, collectors may be willing to pay more for an NFT. This is especially true if the utility is unique or scarce, adding a level of exclusivity to the NFT.

For example, if you create an NFT that provides access to a private members-only event or a meet-and-greet with a celebrity, collectors may be willing to pay a premium price for the NFT. Similarly, if you create an NFT that unlocks a rare in-game item or provides some other exclusive benefit, collectors may be willing to pay more for the NFT than they would for a standard piece of art.

It’s also important to note that adding utility to your NFTs can increase their long-term value as well. While some collectors may be primarily interested in the artwork itself, others may be more interested in the utility that the NFT provides. As a result, NFTs with added utility may have a longer lifespan and be more valuable over time.

Additionally, by creating NFTs with added utility, you may be able to attract a wider range of collectors. While some collectors may be primarily interested in art for art’s sake, others may be more interested in practical uses or benefits. By catering to both types of collectors, you can potentially increase the demand for your NFTs and attract a broader audience.

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Increased Visibility

When collectors talk about and share your NFTs, it can lead to increased exposure and visibility for your collection. This is because people are more likely to pay attention to and share something that provides value and serves a purpose. By creating a collection that offers practical benefits, you can attract a wider audience and increase your chances of getting noticed in the crowded NFT marketplace.

For example, if you offer NFTs with functionality, such as voting tokens or access to exclusive features, this can attract a specific audience that is interested in using your NFTs for a practical purpose. This audience may not have been interested in your collection before, but by offering something that they need, you can attract new collectors and increase visibility for your collection.

Loyalty and Repeat Purchases

Building loyalty among collectors is an important aspect of any successful NFT collection. By offering utility to your NFTs, you can create a sense of exclusivity and community that encourages repeat purchases. For example, if you offer access to exclusive content or membership in a community, collectors may feel like they are part of something special and want to continue supporting your collection.

Additionally, by creating a sense of loyalty among your collectors, you may also benefit from word-of-mouth marketing. Collectors who are passionate about your collection may share it with their friends and followers, which can increase visibility for your NFTs and attract new collectors to your community.

In order to encourage loyalty and repeat purchases, it’s important to continue offering new and exciting utility to your NFTs over time. This could mean releasing new exclusive content, creating new virtual or physical goods, or adding new functionality to your NFTs. By continuing to innovate and offer value to your collectors, you can keep them engaged and interested in your collection for the long term.

Conclusion: Mastering Utility to Create NFT Collection Buzz

In sum, adding utility to your NFT collection can greatly increase its value, desirability, and visibility. By offering access to exclusive content, creating a community, providing functionality, offering virtual or physical goods, pledging donations to charity, and increasing value, you can give collectors a reason to purchase and talk about your NFTs. Additionally, creating a sense of loyalty among your collectors can lead to repeat purchases and advocacy for your collection. With these strategies in mind, you can increase the success of your NFT collection and stand out in the ever-growing world of digital art and collectibles.


Featured mage: Opensea’s listing page for the VeeFriends Collection by Gary Vee, a master of NFT Utility. Image Credit: Opensea.

Author: Robin Olsson

Author Bio: I’m Robin and on this website, I share everything I’ve learned since getting into NFTs in 2021. I have a background in research and I’ve been in crypto for several years. You can read more about me here.

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